Special outlets are made to which electric clocks can be easily connected . A typical one is shown in Figure 1.12 and can perhaps be considered as a special -purpose fused connection outlet .
It contains a 2A fuse and terminals to which the cable from the clock can be connected . The fuse is needed because a clock outlets is usually connected to the nearest available lighting circuit . The fuse protecting the whole circuit will never be rated at less than 5 A , and may be as much as 15 A . The clock wiring is not suitable for such a large current and must , therefore , have its own protection at the point at which the supply to it branches from the main circuit . The necessary protection is provided by the fuse in the connector . The front of the connector has an opening through which the clock cable can be taken out to the clock . In most cases , the clock connector is made flush with the wall and the clock is subsequently fixed over it . However , surface connector are available , and in this case the clock would be fixed next to the connector with a short length of cable run on the surface of the wall between the clock and connector . With the developemtn of quatz battery clocks , clocks connectors are seldom used .
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